Jan 16·edited Jan 16Author

Who would have thought? One of the major North American managers of the environmental SRK Consulting group (https://www.srk.com/en/) cancelled his subscription with Grundvilk within 30 minutes of my posting this piece on Substack. Probably older than 50 years of age.

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Jan 16Liked by Grundvilk

Without arguing about the first graph on cognitive decline, I do think that it would be useful to plot the US life expectancy on the graphic showing the congressional age distribution. Improved health and longer life have, without doubt, changed the natural selection profile. Idiocracy, combined with age-related loss of cognitive function, may doom our legislative process.

With regard to the withdrawal of public lands from multipurpose use, this is just another example of the congitive dissonance represented by the same people calling on one hand for the green energy revolution and on the other blocking all attempts to find and develop the resources required to achieve that goal.

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