68 yo case study here FWIW. So far, no ro. Will not be jabbed. Have been taking NAC, niacin & VD3 regularly, added quercitin & zinc earlier this year. Fairly healthy, slightly overweight. Taking zero prescription drugs. Diet usually low carb, meat & veggies. Lived in CO last 15 yrs, now in SC. I don’t always drink beer, but when I do, it’s usually an IPA.

Great research, thanks!

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Sounds pretty much like me, except I consistently drink beer (IPA-style ale) -- made in our basement for about $4.00/gallon from liquid malt and hops -- and do like the occasional potato, cookeed dried bean, and piece of bread. Haven't reported it yet, but I've read that craft(?) beer drinkers on average have 30% higher level of B-vitamins in their tissues than non-beer drinkers -- including niacin. The source of the B-vitamins is reportedly

the yeast used to make the brewed beer or ale.

Thanks for your note, TenSC.

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If it's the yeast, could one consume brewer's yeast directly to receive the benefit (perhaps to avoid alcoholic consumption)?

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That would work -- if it is the yeast, that is. Brewer's yeast is pretty bitter tasting, however, if I remember correctly. Does have a lot of zinc in it (https://supplements.selfdecode.com/blog/brewers-yeast-benefits/), and that could be one of the reasons craft beer drinking was apparently beneficial during the pre-VAX days.

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It would be interesting to see what the impact of COVID19 is on those working in and around Zn rich mining operations. We know for a fact that Miners and Geologists are also known to tip a pint every so often! Should theoretically be a pretty healthy bunch😉!

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Seems like looking COVID19 mortality rates downwind of smelters processing zinc-rich sulfide ores could provide a good idea what the answer would be. I do wonder what the relative mortality rates are for miners and geologists, given their professionally-biased drinking preferences/

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as a group, miners are not all that healthy, with a special emphasis on lung disease from particulates


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Sure, that's a given. However, if you look into the matter further you will find that miners as a group are much more highly paid than workers in most other industries -- it's a trade-off.

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Except that organic zinc, bound to the substrate of the plants, may not be the same as inorganic zinc that is mined. Ditto for iron, copper, and other minerals.

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There's quinine in tonic water... gin and tonic...

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Prefer rhum and tonic myself 😉🥃!

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Should do the trick. Would be an interesting thing to study though.... really, like I'd want to know.

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